Pediatric Airway Emergencies Training Objectives

  • Identify and Manage Airway Obstructions: Learners will be able to recognize signs of airway obstruction and employ appropriate interventions to manage conditions like croup, epiglottitis, and foreign body aspiration.

  • Utilize Airway Devices: Participants will be able to identify the need, correctly select and use airway adjuncts such as Oral and Nasopharyngeal Airways (OPAs and NPAs) advanced airway devices such as IGel, LMA, and ETT, as well as surgical airways, such needle cricothyroidotomy, and tracheostomy, understanding their specific applications in pediatric resuscitation.

  • Perform Safe Intubation: Trainees will be able to perform endotracheal intubation safely and effectively, taking into account the anatomical differences of the pediatric airway.

  • Apply Emergency Protocols: Learners will be able to apply pediatric advanced life support (PALS) protocols and algorithms during airway emergencies, ensuring a structured approach to critical situations.

  • Engage in Team-Based Simulations: Through interactive simulations, participants will be able to demonstrate teamwork and communication skills essential for managing pediatric airway emergencies in a clinical setting.

  • Reflect on Case Studies: Learners will be able to analyze and reflect on case studies to understand the complexities and nuances of pediatric airway management.